Comprehensive Standard Bank Car Insurance

Comprehensive Standard Bank car insurance covers your vehicle completely for theft, fire or third party accidents. Comprehensive cover means that nothing is left out. So regardless of whether the accident is your fault or not you will have some vehicle cover available to you. This may also interest you: Hippo.co.za - Insurance Quotes From Insurance Companies Premiums are more expensive for these additional benefits. Because the amount that will be paid out to you is likely to be higher than if you opt for just 3rd party liability or fire and theft cover. Accidental damage to cars happens all the time. There is nothing worse than having to bear the brunt of the costs on your own. There are also alternatives to comprehensive Standard Bank car insurance. For example 3rd party liability and fire and theft cover. When you opt to only have third party car insurance it means that in the event of an accident. When you were the cause, your insurance will pay out some money to the owner of the other vehicle. However, if your car has sustained accidental damage you will have to cover this yourself. Cover for theft or fire damage is self-explanatory. But again… Read More

AVBOB Funeral Plan Policy in South Africa

AVBOB funeral plan cover policy for South Africans in Cape Town, Johannesburg, Durban, Port Elizabeth. It offers comprehensive coverage benefits for clients. Wooden coffins and tombstones are also available. And offered to clients as part of the AVBOB funeral products range. Read More: AVBOB Funeral Cover Services The company has a trusted history in arranging and helping people throughout SA. With funerals, cremations, coffins wreaths and tombstones. In the event that someone has passed away and friends and family need assistance with arrangements. When a friend or family member dies AVBOB funeral plan policy will make sure that arrangements are taken care of. And allow close friends and relatives to pull together for support and grief. Without you having to worry about the details and costs. Policyholders are offered effective client support. Which is available to private individuals, church organisations, businesses and others besides. Over 55% of funerals and cremations carried out amongst the Black, Asian and Coloured communities throughout South Africa and Namibia. By the AVBOB company with over 180 branches in SA alone. AVBOB Funeral Plan Additional Services Additional services covered include catering arrangements. Also flowers, chairs for friends and families of the deceased. As well as the… Read More

Hippo.co.za – Insurance Quotes From Insurance Companies

Hippo.co.za gives you insurance quotes from various insurance companies around South Africa. Hippo allows you to compare car insurance, home insurance, medical aid cover and life insurance. As well as personal loans and business insurance quotes with top South African insurers. You just need to fill in a simple online form with a few details. At the click of a mouse you can have competitive insurance quotes from leading insurers around South Africa. The beauty of the hippo system is that you do not have to fill in individual quote request forms from all the major insurance companies. So it's just a matter of filling in one simple form according to your insurance requirements. Related: How to Read and Compare an Insurance Quote In less than four minutes you have insurance quotes from companies. Insurers such as Dial Direct, Auto and General and First for Women for you to compare. Buying insurance online is becoming increasingly popular in South Africa. Hippo have devised this clever insurance quote comparison system with exactly this in mind. Making it easy for you to get their quotes from leading insurers in a matter of minutes. Not everyone is comfortable using the Internet to buy… Read More

How to Insure your Life

Many people with dependants and loved ones choose to take out life insurance so that should anything happen to you; your family will be protected against financial difficulties as a result of your death. We continually hear people, businesses and advertisements telling us that we should insure our lives, but how does one actually go about it? There are a number of important steps along the process to make sure that you are getting the best cover for your needs and budget. Life insurance is intended to provide financial support for those who depend on you in the event of your death or a disability that prevents you from providing for them. If you don’t have any dependants, chances are that you don’t really need to take out life insurance. Before you sign-up, it is important to understand if or why you need it. If you are making a significant contribution to someone else’s financial well-being, then it would be a good idea for you to invest in a life insurance policy.   How much can I expect to pay per month? The premium you pay for life insurance is affected by a number of factors, including (but not limited… Read More

How Insurance Companies make their Money

Having insurance for expensive assets such as your car or house as well as emergencies and health care is vital, protecting both yourself and your loved ones. There are a wealth of insurance companies in South Africa offering insurances services for a variety of life aspects. If you need to claim and meet the necessary requirement, the insurance company will pay out the amount you need, often large sums of money. But if these companies are always handing out money, how do they make money? Insurance companies make money through two predominant means: investing leftover money, and underwriting.   What is underwriting? Underwriting is how insurance companies assesses the risk factors of an entity to determine how much to charge the person as an insurance premium. In exchange for providing insurance, insurance companies charge the price of the insurance, known as a premium. The premium can be paid in many ways and the amount varies depending on your personal preferences as well as the type of insurance.   Premiums vs. Payouts According to the terms of the insurance, an insurance company will pay out money to the claimant or policy holder if an event happens. For example, if there is… Read More

How to Read and Compare an Insurance Quote

You should find out how to read and compare an insurance quote if you own a property, vehicle or other expensive asset, or if you are interested in getting life or disability insurance. Insurance cover is an essential part of life in today’s fast paced society where most of us cannot afford to replace expensive goods should they become damaged, lost or stolen. Any expensive asset you own should be insured to protect you against the money that you would lose should that item be taken from you or be damaged beyond use. If you have spent a lot of money on one particular item, you will not be happy if that item is suddenly stolen or damaged in a fire. Because certain items, like houses and vehicles, are so expensive, most people take out loans to pay for them. If your vehicle was stolen or if you were in a serious accident and wrote it off, or if your house burnt down, you would still be liable for the loan repayments and interest but you would no longer have a vehicle to get around in or a home to live in. This would no doubt affect your ability to… Read More

3 Boat Insurance Points to Consider

If you have bought a boat, you will definitely want to know about these three points to consider. It is incredibly important to insure your most valuable assets, and a boat definitely makes the cut as a valuable asset!   The following three points are something you should keep in mind when you are going through the boat insurance process. As with any insurance issue you will want to find the most affordable deal with the most reliable insurer. It is important that you follow this advice and that you always think carefully and read all of the fine print before you sign or agree to anything.   Point number one: Choose your insurer carefully While most large insurance companies will offer cover for anything from your house to your car, flat screen TV to your new boat, you may want to consider going with a smaller, lesser-known marine specialist insurance company. The reason that this may be a good idea is that while almost all individuals have a working understanding of how cars and other vehicles operate, the different between older models, newer models and different makes and what the risks of damage are, not many companies or people understand… Read More

5 Tips to Find Low Rate Car Insurance

If you are looking to insure your vehicle, have a look at the following five tips to find low rate car insurance in South Africa to help you to find the most affordable cover possible. There are many different vehicle insurance policies to consider from a wide range of different insurance companies. It is important to consider your options and work out exactly what you are looking for before you sign up for an insurance policy.   What to do before looking for an affordable insurance policy Before you begin your search for an insurance policy make sure you take the following steps: Take a look at your finances, work out your monthly expenditure and decide what the most you could possibly spend on car insurance is. This will be your absolute limit when it comes to choosing a policy.You obviously want to find a policy that has cheaper rates than these, but you will at least know what you can afford to spend if you were forced to spend more. Think about what type of motor insurance you want. What do you need to be covered for? What are you most at risk of? Have a look at the… Read More

5 Reasons to Get House Insurance Cover

The following five reasons to get house insurance cover will definitely convince you that it is essential that you get a good insurance policy for any property that you own. Insurance policies are very important on items that you spent a large amount of money on. You do not want to find yourself in a position where you have invested a large sum buying a house, vehicle or any other expensive item, and the house, vehicle or other item is destroyed. You will have lost all of your money and you will probably not have enough money to replace or repair the item. With a good house insurance policy, you will be able to rest assured that your property is taken care of.   Five reasons to get house insurance cover There are many reasons why it is a good idea to get a good life insurance policy. Just like you should have vehicle insurance and insurance policies for your more valuable items, you should also ensure your most valuable asset of all: your home. Take note of the following reasons to insure your property and keep them in mind if you ever find yourself in doubt when it comes… Read More

Pension Insurance Funds

If you are an adult and earning your own money, you should be seriously thinking about looking into pension insurance funds. Your pension is one safety net that you really cannot afford to overlook. One day, when you are older and would like to (or are forced to) retire from your job, you will no longer be earning a salary and you will have to find some way to get money in. When you have worked your whole life, you will not want to live under the constant stress of finding income from somewhere. If you have the right pension fund set up, there is no reason you should ever have to worry about money once you have retired.   Why is a pension insurance fund so important? When you have worked for fifty or sixty years without more than your usual two to three weeks holiday a year, you will find yourself really looking forward to your retirement. The idea of enjoying your golden years, perhaps with your spouse, doing the things that you really enjoy and having the time to watch your favourite television shows and read books and the newspaper every day. You will not want to… Read More