5 Recommended Car Insurance Providers in SA

Insuring your vehicle is one of the most important steps to living responsibly, and the following five recommended car insurance providers in South Africa should ensure that the process is easy, efficient and affordable.

Your vehicle is probably one of the most expensive and essential items you will own in your life time. You cannot live a successful life without transport, and you probably saved and took out a loan to pay for your car. You cannot predict what the future can bring, and if you are involved in an accident you will want to know that all damage repair will be covered.

Likewise if your car is involved in a fire or is stolen, you will want to rest assured that you are covered for a replacement vehicle. Because your car costs you so much of your hard earned money and because transport is so essential, surely you want to ensure that you will be covered for any eventuality.

Although vehicle insurance is not obligated by law in South Africa, it is strongly recommended. Without insurance, you will not be covered for damage on your own car and you will not be covered for damage that you cause to other vehicles. If you were involved in an accident that was deemed to be your fault you would be obliged to pay for the other vehicle owner’s damages. If you had your own repairs to take care of, the costs are likely to be astronomical.


Insuring your vehicle

If you have decided to have your vehicle insured there are several ways you could go about it. If you know what insurance provider you want to use, you could contact them directly. However, if you would like to compare quotes you could use an online service like CarInsurance123.co.za or Hippo.co.za. With both of these insurance tools you simply type in the relevant details and basic information and you will be provided with several quotes from a range of different insurance providers. You can then compare the quotes on price, what they offer or the company’s reputation.

It is also a good idea, once you have your quote, to try to deal with the insurance company directly. Going through a middle man will make the process far more expensive as they take up to 20 percent of your monthly premium.


Five recommended car insurance providers in South Africa

Below is a list of five of the most reputable and well known insurance companies in the country.

  1. Dial Direct

Dial Direct is a long standing company that offers many different types of insurance. Apart from insuring vehicles, they also cover homes and businesses. They offer an online quote system where you can fill in your details and basic information and you will be provided with a quote.

  1. 1st for Women

This company caters only for female clients. They offer a range of insurance policies on vehicles, life and much more and also offer many benefits alongside their insurance packages.

  1. Mi Way

Mi Way offer many affordable insurance policies with added benefits like free roadside assistance, rewards for not claiming and fixed premiums for up to three years. You can apply for a quote online or contact them directly for assistance.

  1. Outsurance

Outsurance is another well-known insurance company with a good reputation when it comes to vehicle cover. Their car insurance premiums are based on the car owner’s personal risk profile. If you are a low risk driver, you will pay a lower premium. If you go three years without claiming, you will receive a cash reward. You can get a quote on Outsurance’s website.

  1. Hollard

Hollard is South Africa’s largest privately owned independent insurance provider and has a huge client base of satisfied customers. Aside from insurance, they also offer saving and investment solutions so that you can make the most of your money with just one company. With Hollard’s car insurance, if you drive less you will pay a lower insurance premium.